Firetex – a reliable partner for sustainable operations

A professional, thoughtful and precise approach to delivering quality results.


Firetex provides a full range of fire protection and engineering solutions.
From simple fire alarm and notification systems to complex sprinkler, gas and foam extinguishing systems for various business sites and areas, and from the construction of internal and external communication networks to emergency response, our team of professionals will ensure the safe and uninterrupted operation of your business.

Why Firetex?


Fire protection and engineering solutions in one place. Our range of services can meet most needs at once, which in the long term facilitates cooperation and reduces costs, extends the lifetime of your systems and equipment and saves repair costs resulting from improper maintenance.


Our team is defined not only by a professional approach, extensive knowledge, and years of experience but also by a genuine passion for their work and the industry. We are meticulous and attentive, carefully listening to each client’s needs to deliver the best solutions and the highest quality.


Quality We guarantee excellence in everything we do. With us, your company’s fire protection, insulation, and technical and mechanical equipment will not only meet all quality and regulatory standards on paper but also in practice. Our specialists will regularly inspect your facilities to monitor and maintain their technical condition.

What our customers say

Satisfied customers are the best proof of quality and trust. Many well-known companies in Latvia place their confidence in us.

Esam ļoti apmierināti

ar sadarbību ar FireTex. Viņi nodrošina augstas kvalitātes pakalpojumus.

Vārds Uzvārds

Pozīcija, uzņēmums

Mūsu izvēle vienmēr būs FireTex!

Sadarbība vienmēr noritējusi veiksmīgi un pozitīvā gaisotnē, esam ļoti pateici, ka mums ir šāds sadarbības partneris. Iesakām!

Vārds Uzvārds

Pozīcija, uzņēmums

Esam ļoti apmierināti

ar sadarbību ar FireTex. Viņi nodrošina augstas kvalitātes pakalpojumus.

Vārds Uzvārds

Pozīcija, uzņēmums

Ļoti apmierināti esam

ar sadarbību ar FireTex. Viņi nodrošina augstas kvalitātes pakalpojumus.

Vārds Uzvārds

Pozīcija, uzņēmums

They trust us